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DATED 25 NOVEMBER NATIONAL TEACHER DAY AND HUT PGRI 66 Friday, 25 November 2011 Bantul district held a flag ceremony commemorating National Teacher Day and 66th Anniversary Into the Field PGRI Wijirejo, Pandak, Bantul. The teacher is a noble profession and have an important role in building the nation with the generation of reliable printing. With the commemoration of National Teacher Day and 66th anniversary PGRI can improve morale, performance in educating the sons and daughters of Indonesia became the generation that is ready and able to build a better Indonesia. National Teacher Day and Happy Birthday PGRI 66

Socialization of Senam Ria Indonesia Baru (SRIBU)

Socialization of Senam Ria Indonesia Baru (SRIBU) Today, sports teachers following the socialization Bantul district in the Village Palbapang SRIBU gymnastics. Very interesting and fun. All fathers and mothers are very interested in following sports teacher socialization Gymnastics "SRIBU". With the socialization of gymnastics SRIBU will enhance and add to the spirit of sports. greetings Sports

Playing with a group

Playing with a group Students - Elementary students Sendangsari're playing as a group. Activities are fun and can cultivate values cooperation, tolerance, honesty. Game - a game like that is what needs to be developed do not lose it. Besides, while you exercise because the games that involve physical activity can foster the values ​​of others.

Local Wisdom-Based Culture Festival

Local Wisdom-Based Culture Festival SD Sendangsari be one of the Local Wisdom-Based Culture Festival held in Gabusan on 3 November 2011. SD Sendangsari remove the products of local wisdom from tubers. Activities carried out one day and enthusiastic community is very high. While viewing the exhibition can watch performances of local wisdom. Let us develop our heritage and continue to introduce the younger generation.


SEA GAMES 2011 Sea Games 2011 in the open on November 11, 2011, a beautiful figure (11-11-11) To the 26th SEA Games held in Jakarta and Palembang. Implementation planned SEA GAMES 11 - 22 November 2011 Modo and Modi is the mascot SEA GAMES 2011 SEA Games official song is "KITA BISA" creation : Yovie Widianto SUCCESS IN INDONESIA SEA GAMES 2011, INDONESIA CAN


HEROES DAY 10 NOVEMBER Today Sendangsari SD follow in the District Pajangan the Flag Ceremony in commemoration of Memorial Day, November 10. In the spirit of our predecessors, let us strive to keep the spirit and advance the beloved country Indonesia. By learning and studying will print at the highest generation of a developed nation. Indonesia Jaya and The Forward