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Increasing student resistance

Increasing student resistance
What needs to be at increased?
Besides the task of student learning, still need to add the endurance.
Durability of what?
That the intention here is to the child resistance of a variety of information.
This should be really really our attention. Information from various media must be filtered and we deliver
the pros and cons to the child, do not let kids get stuck with a variety of information that is not the time
Assistance and information appropriate to their students is very important the role of the child.
A child would know better what is good and not good.
Needs serious attention to each child's viewing and game.
Sd Sendangsari raised in the local game, such as "dakon" a child to play but can he learn.
Necessary if we are to preserve the local culture to the learning process.
With coaching and our attention to the child the child's resistance to a variety of information will increase

participate safely
by: wishnew - sd Sendangsari


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