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Media as a tool for learning English

Media as a tool for learning English

English Language Teaching and Learning Activities in elementary schools require teachers to be able to make English as a fun lesson. One of them is by making the game as one of the world's medium of learning because children are not separated from the play. In addition to using games as teaching media in teaching English, teachers can also use the song or the images associated with learning material.

English for the children of class I-III is still relatively alien to them. Many of the obstacles to teach them English is my mother language, most students of classes I-III found it difficult because the native language is still dominant in their daily lives. This is a challenge for English teachers who teach the children, they are required to teach properly because if it was a mistake from the beginning then it will always be ingrained in children.

With other instructional media in order to make children more interested to learn English, what is expected to be delivered more acceptable by students and later English can be a pleasant lesson.

article from Mr Wahyu Seputro


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