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Training ThinkQuest

Training ThinkQuest Tuesday, December 27, 2011, at 07:30 - finish. 3 Representatives of teacher training online learning program. ThinkQuest training conducted in SD Padokan 2, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta With the ThinkQuest online learning program, a lot of information and the many benefits that can be obtained by following this training. More advanced and interactive learning accessible and in doing anywhere. ThinkQuest program is very useful for teachers and students. Success has always been and the more advanced education in Indonesia.

Playing chess

Playing chess Playing chess on the sidelines of rest after exercise. Elementary students fill Sendangsari breaks while playing chess. With the game of chess can sharpen the ability to think, set the strategy, patience.


DATED 25 NOVEMBER NATIONAL TEACHER DAY AND HUT PGRI 66 Friday, 25 November 2011 Bantul district held a flag ceremony commemorating National Teacher Day and 66th Anniversary Into the Field PGRI Wijirejo, Pandak, Bantul. The teacher is a noble profession and have an important role in building the nation with the generation of reliable printing. With the commemoration of National Teacher Day and 66th anniversary PGRI can improve morale, performance in educating the sons and daughters of Indonesia became the generation that is ready and able to build a better Indonesia. National Teacher Day and Happy Birthday PGRI 66

Socialization of Senam Ria Indonesia Baru (SRIBU)

Socialization of Senam Ria Indonesia Baru (SRIBU) Today, sports teachers following the socialization Bantul district in the Village Palbapang SRIBU gymnastics. Very interesting and fun. All fathers and mothers are very interested in following sports teacher socialization Gymnastics "SRIBU". With the socialization of gymnastics SRIBU will enhance and add to the spirit of sports. greetings Sports

Playing with a group

Playing with a group Students - Elementary students Sendangsari're playing as a group. Activities are fun and can cultivate values cooperation, tolerance, honesty. Game - a game like that is what needs to be developed do not lose it. Besides, while you exercise because the games that involve physical activity can foster the values ​​of others.

Local Wisdom-Based Culture Festival

Local Wisdom-Based Culture Festival SD Sendangsari be one of the Local Wisdom-Based Culture Festival held in Gabusan on 3 November 2011. SD Sendangsari remove the products of local wisdom from tubers. Activities carried out one day and enthusiastic community is very high. While viewing the exhibition can watch performances of local wisdom. Let us develop our heritage and continue to introduce the younger generation.


SEA GAMES 2011 Sea Games 2011 in the open on November 11, 2011, a beautiful figure (11-11-11) To the 26th SEA Games held in Jakarta and Palembang. Implementation planned SEA GAMES 11 - 22 November 2011 Modo and Modi is the mascot SEA GAMES 2011 SEA Games official song is "KITA BISA" creation : Yovie Widianto SUCCESS IN INDONESIA SEA GAMES 2011, INDONESIA CAN


HEROES DAY 10 NOVEMBER Today Sendangsari SD follow in the District Pajangan the Flag Ceremony in commemoration of Memorial Day, November 10. In the spirit of our predecessors, let us strive to keep the spirit and advance the beloved country Indonesia. By learning and studying will print at the highest generation of a developed nation. Indonesia Jaya and The Forward

By learning I "Can"

By learning I "Can" Learning is an important thing. many things that we can get. Learning needs the spirit Learning needs to get used Learn to diligence By learning we CAN Learning can make more out Learning can make more Learning can make a better understanding Learning can be made ​​aware of the new Learning can make creating a new thing Can learn everything Let's study hard Reach your ideal Successful and Happy learning


SWEAR YOUTH DAY 28 OCTOBER Today's elementary students follow the ceremony commemorating Sendangsari Youth Pledge Day Pajangan in the District. In the spirit of Youth Pledge Let us content with the work and positive activities for the betterment of the nation of Indonesia. As students increase the spirit of learning and work because you are the generation of the nation. Stay spirit and Forward

BSE (Buku Sekolah Elektronik)

BSE (Buku Sekolah Elektronik) Learn easily and cheaply and complete one option that is through books BSE. From elementary through high school / vocational education is provided to support the process. to obtain the electronic book (ebook) to be able to access learning in Please register and can download the book as needed. Congratulations to learn


HAORNAS SEPTEMBER 9 In order to celebrate the national sport (HAORNAS) SD Sendangsari held in the School Healthy Way Students are very excited and pleased.Siswa-students bring lunch snacks and drinks. With high spirits and follow a healthy path bada fresher ready to take on the move. Given the large HAORNAS hopes, the next generation to love the sport and have the spirit and power too high GREETINGS SPORTS

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 H Family Sendangsari SD Saying Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432 H And do not forget we apologize profusely, If There's mistakes that we intentionally or accidentally, and that day our holy let's start a new sheet for a better future. amen


EARLY AGE CLUB "SEPABA" Cluster Sendangsari very concerned about the development of early childhood sport. Sendangsari group formed Early Childhood Club "SEPABA". Where the club participants are students who entered in clusters sd Sendangsari. Sendangsari group comprises five primary schools: 1. SD Sendangsari 2. SD Beji 3. SD Krebet 4. SD Mangir 5. Min Serut Club activities aimed at an early age to prepare children in channeling his talent. In the interim coaching conducted covering three sports Branch, among others: 1. football 2. athletics 3. calisthenics Greetings sports. by: wishnew

Close the Year and Handover grader VI

Day Wednesday, June 22, 2011 SD Sendangsari Holding handover ceremony sixth grade students to the parents, The event was held very festive, a performing arts students from elementary Sendangsari and spontaneity of parents and teachers and invited guests. Performing arts events include: dancing, singing, speech, movement and songs, etc. There is a distribution of prizes to students who earn rank or class champion. But most important of all is the readiness of the fourth grade students to move toward higher levels of education. Success for children sixth grade, go ahead and fulfill your dreams. Do not forget Sendangsari SD. by wishnew

Culture of healthy living

Culture of healthy living Culture of healthy living is necessary to apply early. Healthy behavior for children up to very important, which should be frequently reminded and guided. Attention to yourself so it should be emphasized, among others: 1. regular baths 2. Brush your teeth regularly 3. Cut the fingernails and toenails 4. ear hygiene 5. skin hygiene, etc. Above matters still need attention and guidance from parents. Surely if his own personal hygiene are met will provide a lot of impact. Agency to clean away from germs. Besides the health of yourself would have to be balanced health of the surrounding environment. Do not let the neighborhood around the home or residence dirty and unhealthy. It will also greatly affect not healthy for living nearby. Let's jointly cultivate a healthy life. by: wishnew

Student Work

Student Work Increasing interest in working to start early. In Primary Schools Sendangsari very early (grade 1) Already in the guide in developing creative talent. Many ways can be done to get started: 1. By drawing 2. Create simple patterns 3. Color 4. etc. Students' work is an evocative place the soul of creativity from an early age. Do not forget to always guide the sons and daughters home.

UN exam has been completed on the implemented

UN exam has been completed on the implemented National Examination has been completed primary school level is implemented. In SD Sendangsari all students can follow the well, smooth, orderly, and spirit. Let us pray that optimal results can be achieved as expected we were together. UN exam dilaksanankan May 10 until May 13, 2011. With the completion of the UN, came a new task for the parent guardian is preparing and looking for Junior High School (SMP) as appropriate. How to address it so that no one chose. The things that need to be considered to search for the younger junior technically: 1. School distance from home. 2. Interests son or daughter at the school in question 3. A companion 4. Easy access to schools 5. School facilities 6. School Achievement 7. Other determinants 8. etc. May the sons and daughters of fathers / mothers get proper education and terbaik.Maju and successful. Please consult with us (SD Sendangsari) if there are things that are not yet clear.


PRA Exam UN Starting on 13 April 2011 entered Exam PRE elementary Sendangsari UN. Hopefully everything can work well. And please pray from all sides so that the implementation of the UN to come all the students in the given; health strength, calmness, ease in completing the exam which will come with optimal results.

Use technology with True and Smart

Use technology with True and Smart As we know in today's technological development is very fast and quick. Technology has entered in all facets of human life. Of course we are well aware of its impact. There are positive and there is certainly a negative. How is the impact on education. Lots of applications and educational software that can be utilized in improving services and quality education. Change of face-to-face learning model to learning-based e-learning. Learning materials can quickly be obtained, new information quickly we can get. Tepapi behind all that, we also need to control the negative impact of technological development. not to get stuck with the information that is not correct, incorrect, misleading and probably not the time information obtained. let's use technology appropriately and wisely. By; Wishnew

Ways or tips that focus on learning

Ways or tips that focus on learning For parents do not forget to keep encouraging children to learn in a regular pattern 1. Put a big enough lesson schedule in a room or space children's learning 2. Put the wall clock or desk to provide discipline 3. In the hours studying at home does not turn on the television 4. Give hours of home study on time not changing, eg learning every hour 18:30 to 20:00 5. Do not forget to guide your children with the patient, help when there are difficulties. 6. If the child has the achievement, do not forget to display the results of his achievements in the study. By learning discipline and guidance, the children will be more ready to follow each lesson in the school and the course will focus in every lesson because it already learned earlier in Student achievement will be achieved by itself because of perseverance and discipline. Good luck by: wishnew

Today the school again

Today the school again Holiday is over, it's about 2 weeks the students until the semester holidays Sendangsari. Of course during the holidays many activities and the activities performed. There is a vacation to a place of entertainment, there are to where you, perhaps there is also the home does not go everywhere. but certainly all have been enjoying the holiday with a fun semester. today January 3, 2011, all incoming students to attend lessons the first day. Coinciding sd Sendangsari Monday flag ceremony. Well, the faces of the students all the cheerful, happy and excited to follow events on the first day of semester 2. Although the weather is rather hot, but all happy. Come ... with the new year, The spirit of learning better for future achievement. Congratulations and Good luck learning by: wishnew