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Ways or tips that focus on learning

Ways or tips that focus on learning
For parents do not forget to keep encouraging children to learn in a regular pattern
1. Put a big enough lesson schedule in a room or space children's learning
2. Put the wall clock or desk to provide discipline
3. In the hours studying at home does not turn on the television
4. Give hours of home study on time not changing, eg learning every hour 18:30 to 20:00
5. Do not forget to guide your children with the patient, help when there are difficulties.
6. If the child has the achievement, do not forget to display the results of his achievements in the study.

By learning discipline and guidance, the children will be more ready to follow each lesson in the school and the course will focus in every lesson because it already learned earlier in
Student achievement will be achieved by itself because of perseverance and discipline.

Good luck
by: wishnew


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