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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 Today the exact date of January 1, 2011, a date early in the month and year. Hopefully with each passing year can bring a new spirit, bringing better progress. Going to be the best and be the first in all areas. There are unique also ditahun is a unique number: 1, month 1 year 2011, if the join becomes 1-1-11, all number 1. Escape from it all do not forget to always memangun into a better direction. Success 1-1-11 by: wishnew

Building a future

Building a future It is never returned and can be repeated is the time or our life's journey. This means we can not change the past but we can fix something that is not perfect. Building the future is a concept of preparation or prepare for the future. Are we going to be a man who worked or not all depends on what we did earlier. There is no success without hard work first. Often times we daydream get something quick but do occur? No one came. All must go through the process ie the process of building the future. Let us build our future to get something better. Start from now do not wait anymore? Build the future, achieve success by: wishnew source:

Make use of free time during the holidays

Make use of free time during the holidays. Holidays for children is very enjoyable. If already have a travel plan and travel with family. Many of the resorts provide a place to support the holiday. Well ... fun, but do not forget to watch ya health! Do not be too happy to forget to take care of myself. So sick and could not enjoy the holiday. Do not forget to also put in learning. Better yet, if the vacation time to play to fill an educational vehicle, for example: Taman Pintar (Yogyakarta) There are many available media to learn while playing and general knowledge. Fun lho ... Happy holidays by: wishnew

Contest Cluster SD Sendangsari

Contest Cluster SD Sendangsari We apologize for this really late posting activity. Elementary Cluster race activities Sendangsari held in August 2010. SD Sendangsari an elementary point of clusters I Sendangsari Pajangan. By holding the race this group can improve school progress and participation from the students. SD Sendangsari ready for playing an active role in improving the quality of education. success by: wishnew

Visits: comparative study of East Kalimantan

Visits: comparative study of East Kalimantan SD Sendangsari Saturday, December 18, 2010 to receive guests from the Tana District Tidung Kalimanantan east in the framework of comparative Study. Primary Competitive Sendangsari that is hitting the local wisdom of tubers. Local food processing is a good thing to be developed into a quality product. Tubers could be used into flour, chips, etc. So that could be more value than all the material that is not popular to be useful. Indigenous products raised again the values and cultural heritage of our ancestors. by: wishnew.

anniversary KORPRI and PGRI.

Healthy Way PGRI HUT AND KORPRI Bantul District week, December 19, 2010 This morning following the activities of a healthy way to commemorate the anniversary KORPRI and PGRI. Depart early morning 06.30. Before leaving the air was cold and overcast weather. All the way down drizzling rain. Arriving at the destination in the "Art Market Gabusan" sudden downpour, all the participants ran aside to seek shelter. After the rain subsided Road trip went well. All excited with sturdy steps and a long while enjoying the natural scenery. Body feels lighter and more comfortable. It turned out that exercise in the morning and together fun. Happy Birthday PGRI and KORPRI By; Wishnew

Holiday semester 1 2010/2011 School Year has arrived

Holiday semester 1 2010/2011 School Year has arrived Distribution of report cards of the semester Saturday, December 18, 2010, Elementary students enjoy a holiday Sendangsari 1st semester academic year 2010/2011. But do not forget to study at home. Holidays Christmas Holidays together this semester, and the New Year. Do not forget to do health because the rainy season. What activities are suited for a vacation huh? Of course, activities that are refreshing and not boring and can restore the spirit of learning at admission later. Congratulations on holiday ya! Do not forget though holiday interspersed with studying and preparing for next semester by: wishnew

Things that need to be student

Some basic rules for elementary school students Sendangsari, either at home or at school, among others: The obligation of children at home: 1. Respect for parents 2. Unfortunately for parents 3. Helping orangtu Liability in the school: 1. Wearing a school uniform 2. Following the lesson 3. Following the flag ceremony by: wishnew -

SD Sendangsari Display Routines

Students who ride a bike, stop into the school gate and greeted the father / mother a teacher. Bicycles on the road when brought into the school environment. Then-preparatory classes led by class president each, lined up neatly according to their respective groups. Sign in class and prepare lessons as scheduled. Congratulations Learning

The role of parents in education

The role of parents in education The success of a student / child can not be separated from the role of parents. Often this is ruled out. Many parents consider education in schools enough and no longer exist coaching at home. If we want our children to go forward and get the good education the need for monitoring and guidance from parents. Some of the things that are often forgotten: 1. Inquire today the results of learning to students / children 2. Asking what lessons the difficulties 3. Asking personal problems at school that sometimes occurs without the knowledge of school and parents 4. Asking the child's ability or pleasure 5. etc. The little things that if done will be able to control and know the development of a child. That needs to be mastered is how to ask the child, thus eliminating the impression of pressing to the child. Be a friend of the child and be supervising children. Education will go forward and create a generation of quality when all can work together. Advance...

Learn Batik

Elementary school students was practicing batik Sendangsari To preserve the national cultural heritage, SD Sendangsari batik lessons. Culture Introduction to Batik in doing so early on Indonesian national cultural heritage can be conserved. And provide skills for elementary school students Sendangsari.

Today I watch at UKS (Little Doctor)

Shifts in UKS As a small physician must be a cadre make friends at school about good health. We took turns watch at UKS. UKS accident today at a friend's stomach pain dizziness and nausea, after the check apparently was not eating snacks and washing hands. So my friends hope that in the note if the pocket, whether truly healthy and whether it is washing your hands before eating. It turns out there are often forgotten. Let us together to maintain good health, so they can learn it well.

Hand Washing Practices "Dokter Kecil"

Small doctors provide guidance regarding the proper hand washing Activities of a small doctor explaining the correct hand washing and explain the importance of proper hand washing. By washing hands regularly so that germs will stick to go wasted. Quality of life will increase. And needs to know how to wash hands properly with soap so that germs actually lost and clean hands. Let the culture of hand washing, in order to live a healthier and more quality. by : wish new

Learning While Fasting

Fasting has arrived, the heart happy and excited to welcome him. For the religion of Islam in the month of ramadan fasting simultaneously conduct. Let's younger siblings sd whether students are ready to fast? It turns out ready and spirit. Fast for so many benefits: 1. Improving the Health of the body, 2. Improve your diet 3. Enhance our worship 4. etc. Fasting to school fun and enjoyable, why not you? We are more focused concentration in lessons. Pocket money usually given to parents in the tube or berinfag (can reward). With the move and feels lighter to fasting. And many more benefits of fasting while learning. Let's fasting month of ramadan and filled with meaningful activities and positiv Congratulations perpuasa. Sorry spiritual and physical, by wish new


"DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA KE-65" August 17, 1945 - 17 August 2010 " Indonesia Progress and Achievement Let's get together to continuously improve and develop the Indonesian nation to progress and develop. With the readiness of the younger generation, with an equitable education Indonesia will become stronger."DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA KE-65"

Media as a tool for learning English

Media as a tool for learning English English Language Teaching and Learning Activities in elementary schools require teachers to be able to make English as a fun lesson. One of them is by making the game as one of the world's medium of learning because children are not separated from the play. In addition to using games as teaching media in teaching English, teachers can also use the song or the images associated with learning material. English for the children of class I-III is still relatively alien to them. Many of the obstacles to teach them English is my mother language, most students of classes I-III found it difficult because the native language is still dominant in their daily lives. This is a challenge for English teachers who teach the children, they are required to teach properly because if it was a mistake from the beginning then it will always be ingrained in children. With other instructional media in order to make children more interested to learn English, what is ex...

Free Anti Virus

Anti-virus, these words often we in every environment, work environment, campus, internet cafe, computer rental. Seems to be an important item. It is very important for users of computer technology especially the relationship with the data and the Internet and everything related to computers. Anti-virus is a program that can help us in improving the data, and remove the evil virus that infects. Often we are upset when confronted with the existence of viruses on our computer, especially the virus damage data or make a computer work slow. If you've experienced it in the presence of anti-virus is needed. Anti-virus there is paid or free, usually every anti-virus software provider provides two free and paid options which have their own advantages. How we can get a free, here are some options for free anti-virus. 1. Free antivirus - Avira AntiVir , avira 2. AVG Free - Download Fre, klik disini 3. Antivirus lokal (SMADAV)Smadav 2010 - Antivirus Lokal Indonesia Gratis klik disini Having ...

Visits from DNP: "Development And Peace" = Agency for Development and Peace from Canada

Visits from DNP: "Development And Peace" = Agency for Development and Peace from Canada Interest in learning the Rights of the child and the local wisdom in relation to Sendangsari school food security and environment sustainability If the local food / tubers, which began forgotten able to realize the parents mindset. Posted by Mr. Lejaryono

The role of education in the world Internet

Internet was familiar, and being very helpful at all. Like libraries, the Internet is a giant library. We can find all on the Internet. Facilities offered by the internet very much. From the free to a paid. Facilities free email, free domain, free hosting, and much more. How benefits for education? Very many advantages that we can use in school children's learning. Internet has become a giant library of everything there. we can know other parts of the world without a long journey. The software provided many of the free to a paid. Educational software, educational software games. Calendar of education, and more. Unbelievable. To further convey how will we able to obtain free educational software that are offered. Although free but has more than enough for the learning materials. How we can download the book (ebook) online that are provided by the government, so that we can learn the complete guide. Happy learning

New uniforms Sports

Sport new uniforms Glad sd Sendangsari students wearing new uniforms, the color blue. Add industrious spirit and added ya! Sendangsari sporting activities other than in school are also held in the form of extra-curricular afternoon. Sports extra option for students who want more control of the practice of sport, ie soccer.

wash your hands and feet

padasan to wash their hands and feet Padasan provided for washing the hands and feet after school activities. A student sd can not be separated from the tingga activity. Playing with friends, sports, and so on. Students familiarize sd Sendangsari in washing hands and feet after the move. To live a healthy and clean


Gymnastics Friday resumed Friday morning clean Gymnastic activities routinely conducted every Friday at Sendangsari sd. At follow all the students sedangsari sd. Jum'at activities continued clean. To keep the environment clean sd Sendangsari and healthy..

Purna Tugas (Pension)

Farewell: Paimin Mr. and Mrs. Tuginah Day Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Sd Sendangsari Pensioners held a farewell to Mr. Paimin and Mother Tuginah. May the spirit of science and Paimin father and mother always accompany paimin successor. And after a full assignment and will always pass on his knowledge to the public. Happy Retirement father and mother.

brush your teeth with

Come clean my teeth yes Sd Sendangsari students are routinely brushing your teeth after every workout. and routinely undertaken at home. Habits brush my teeth and applied pressure to reduce the risk of tooth decay due to the remaining meals and snacks.

How does the concept of true education?

How does the concept of true education? It's a lot we learned, and apply the various existing educational concepts. On setting up children, about education, about the social, the cultural, already we apply various fields. but sometimes less rapidly with the progress of the world today. Example: A student is good at operating the computer and laptop and the Internet, but some teachers are still difficulties. Is a challenge for the teachers to improve their ability. to be able to always control the changes that occur on the student. But sometimes the question arises, is there a simple concept? The concept is much easier and can be applied compact, so any changes can be applied quickly. Is a joint work for it. Proposals and comments for the betterment of our education is needed, regard by: wishnew, sd Sendangsari

Increasing student resistance

Increasing student resistance What needs to be at increased? Besides the task of student learning, still need to add the endurance. Durability of what? That the intention here is to the child resistance of a variety of information. This should be really really our attention. Information from various media must be filtered and we deliver the pros and cons to the child, do not let kids get stuck with a variety of information that is not the time Assistance and information appropriate to their students is very important the role of the child. A child would know better what is good and not good. Needs serious attention to each child's viewing and game. Sd Sendangsari raised in the local game, such as "dakon" a child to play but can he learn. Necessary if we are to preserve the local culture to the learning process. With coaching and our attention to the child the child's resistance to a variety of information will increase participate safely by: wishnew - sd Sendangsari

Living Healthy Behavior

Living Healthy Behavior One thing that is important and sometimes forget that common in teaching healthy behaviors to their students. Are our children already understand and implement healthy behaviors well. Again - another hawker problem, it is often difficult to consider the problem of children in school snack and outside of school. It is a common task to control and attention to this issue. In sd Sendangsari always try to give understanding to the children the importance of health and healthy behavior. The things that we often adopt the child brings lunch to school, and in the gym always stressed the importance of hygiene. Practice brush your teeth after every workout, which give to the child in understanding dental hygienist. The effort - effort is limited to conditions in school children Need participation of parents in this case. health for our future generations. by: wishnew