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Garut Emping Healthy Food Alternatives

Garut (Marantha arundinacea) is a local food developed as a potential for agribusiness. Garut plants are tolerant plant species to the environment, for example, grows well in the shaded area. Garut than as a source of carbohydrates, as well as bio plant for the content of a low glycemic index, which is very useful for people with diabetes / diabetes.

Garut plant tubers are a source of carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index content than tubers of the other, so it is beneficial to health, especially for people with diabetes or diabetes. Garut plants can be found in almost all parts of Indonesia, can grow well in shaded area so easily cultivated and nurtured. Intensive cultivation can produce an average 21 tonnes tubers / ha. Wet bulb prices Rp.1.000 - Rp1.500/kg. seems sufficient potential to generate high economic value. Garut bulbs suitable for rural agribusiness development,

In order to optimize land and farmers pemeberdayaan, Prima Tani in the Village Semin, Semin Sub-district, Gunungkidul, garut commodity development into the main program. Garutisasi program is expected to be one lever Semin Village area development. Potential land area of the garden 256.7 ha which can be cultivated for crops garut about 10%, with productivity levels of 21 tons / ha garut production reaches + 539 tons / year. In an effort to increase the added value (added value) of these commodities, so with the touch of a simple technology garut emping garut processed into, so that the food products favored by consumers and the alternative food emping mlinjo currently begun to decline for reasons of health


Garut emping manufacture begins with the selection of bulbs baik.Biasanya garut by choosing a diameter garut tubers 2-3 cm. The next process stripping and washing adalh garut tubers. bulbs that have been peeled and washed and then cut into pieces with a thickness of about 1 cm.

The next step is to boil the sliced garut and by adding seasoning salt and 1.5% 2% garlic. This boiling process takes between 30-45 minutes. after cooking stew ditiriskan.Proses garut then next is a way to print on sheets of plastic memipihkan as the last melinjo.proses emping it is the drying process by using sunlight. after dry emping garut packed and ready to be marketed.

Besides emping garut made, the result is the production of flour garut garut. Garut flour is usually used for raw material companies making white noodles, substitute or additional flour for making bread, cosmetic ingredients for beauty.


Manufacturing technology garut emping positive impact on farming communities. Utilization tuber emping garut to have economic value is high enough. Price Rp.1.000-1.500/kg wet bulb. Wet bulb needs per 1 kg 5kg emping is thus very suitable as agro-industry development as a means of empowerment household farm households. Of work per day capacity each farmer group members 15-20 kg wet bulb, emping produced 3-4 kg. Textiles emping Rp.13.000-15.000, 00/kg.Apabila reduced production cost of 10,000, then gained 00 net income per household per day is Rp. 30.000,00. This is felt very profitable farmers than to work as construction workers or other jobs.


The market opportunity is still very open, it seems to demand a very large product that farmers sometimes feel overwhelmed accepting orders. Marketing emping garut right now than to meet local demand, the demand came from Solo, Jakarta, Surabaya, even to Kalimantan and Sulawesi.


Utilization of tubers and processed products garut considered very helpful for people who are in the mountains and dry. Potential excavation areas and dry mountains felt very necessary to remember these areas are not productive so that the exodus of many residents out of the area to find work.

Sragen Regency, such as plant location in Garut District Gesi, Mondokan, Sukodono and Miri with potensional area 7828 ha. In fact, one producing centers in the area emping Gesi garut already have certification from Sucofindo. There are still many areas such as Gunung Kidul Sragen and still save a great potential to develop garut plants. With the potential income Rp. Make alternative 30.000/hari farmers to earn a living without having exodus out of the area. This will make it easier for the local government level pemeratakan economy is not only for the low-lying areas and fertile only.

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