• Once upon a time called the public primary schools in 15 FIGURES Manoekan under the auspices of the Social Djawatan the PP and K Yogyakarta Special Region.
• On December 1, 1955 changed its name to the People VI Manoekan School
• Once upon a time called the public primary schools in 15 FIGURES Manoekan under the auspices of the Social Djawatan the PP and K Yogyakarta Special Region.
• On December 1, 1955 changed its name to the People VI Manoekan School
• October 28, 1965 developed into two schools, elementary school Manukan Manukan I and II, but the elementary program must join regrouping into one another again in 2002 with the primary name Manukan.
• With the publication of Bantul Regent Decree No.329 of 2006 which renewed the Bantul Regent Decree No. 131 of 2007 was born the name of an elementary Sendangsari merger of two elementary schools Manukan marriage and SD Jaten.
SD Sendangsari "Noble MAIN BRIGHT"
(Intelligent, noble, superior, skilled, and independent)
• Implement learning and guidance in disciplined, effective, and efficient
• Implement the understanding, appreciation, and practice of religion in daily life
• to equip students with the noble character education
• Fostering the spirit of excellence to all citizens of the school
• Following each competition / race / olympics academic / non academic
• Cultivating a culture consistent with the national identity is based on Pancasila
• Implement school-based management
General Objectives
Ø Students physically and spiritually healthy, and devoted to God Almighty
Ø Students have an intelligent basis of knowledge, abilities, and skills to continue their education at higher levels
Ø Students know and love the nation, society, and culture and noble
Ø Students creative, skilled, and work to develop themselves independently and continuously
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