Canna discolor (Canna edulis Ker.) Is a kind of tuber-producing plants that are less popular than sweet potatoes or cassava and kelestariannyapun increasingly at risk because not many people who grow and consume. But now, Canna discolor were already widely cultivated regularly in Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta, Jambi, Lampung and West Java.
Ganyonng known in a variety of regional names. Some call the "fruit of prayer beads", "sweet bear", "ganyal", "ganyol", or even "sinetra". While arrowroot quennsland foreign names. Meanwhile, there are at least two provinces in central Canna discolor, namely Central Java (Klaten, Wonosobo and Purworejo), and West Java (Majalengka, Sumedang, Ciamis, Cianjur, Garut, Lebak, Subang and Karawang).
Canna discolor tubers contain starch, although not as much sweet potato. However, Canna discolor enough potential as a source of carbohydrate. Data MOH Directorate of Nutrition stated that nutrient content per 100 grams of Canna discolor full of calories, 95.00 cal; 1.00 g protein; 0.11 g fat; 22.60 g carbohydrate; 21.00 g calcium; phosphorus 70, 00 g; 1.90 mg iron; 0.10 mg vitamin B1; 10.00 mg of vitamin C; water 75.00 g.
Canna discolor benefits are so numerous, almost all parts of the plant can be utilized. Mature tubers can be eaten with the process it first or to be taken patinya. Time tuber that remains after taking patinya can be used as compost. While shoots and young stems are used for livestock feed. Flowers are quite beautiful leaves used as an ornamental plant.
During the utilization of tubers of Canna discolor it merely boil to make a snack. Canna discolor when tubers have a lot of the nutrients the body needs, so it is unfortunate if only consumed as a snack that just boiled. Then, how to use the Canna discolor for snacks in addition to the stew?

Utilization of Canna discolor roots into other processed products one of which is a noodle Canna discolor. With the noodles, Canna discolor will have economic value higher when compared Canna discolor it just boiled. Canna discolor noodle-making actually very easy, making use a simple tool that can be found at home. To make noodles Canna discolor, initially had to make a first Canna discolor the starch and starch followed by processing into noodles, or usually called Minyong (noodles from Canna discolor).
Starch Making Canna discolor
Canna discolor-old (old enough) are harvested, the tuber was taken. Tuber Canna discolor washed, peeled and shredded. Canna discolor next grated squeezed until only the dregs left / fiber. Strain the juice had a cloth filter. Allow the water in the container until the starch settles Canna discolor. Separate Canna discolor the water with starch. Drain the dried starch Canna discolor with sunlight or dioven.
Making Minyong (Mie Canna discolor)
Heat 5 to 6 liters of water until almost boiling. Enter Canna discolor 1 kg of starch into the hot water, stirring constantly so no lumps. If too thick, you can add hot water to a thin gruel. Add 75 grams of cooking oil (to prevent sticking noodles Canna discolor).
Simmer for 10 s / d for 15 minutes tanak. Lift, then thinly lapiskan on banana leaves that have been prepared. Drying in the sun until 5 to 6 hours. If it seems dry, separate the layers of noodles Canna discolor from banana leaves. Canna discolor Allow the noodle sheet for 10 to 15 hours. Iris Canna discolor the noodle sheet to form noodles. Drying in the sun to dry. Tie with string, or can be packed immediately.
(Source image: http://default.tabloidnova.com/files/article/photo/9941_foto% 20ganyong-1.jpg, http://harisahmad.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/pohon-ganyong.jpg)
source articles: http://bisnisukm.com/minyong-alternatif-pengolahan-ganyong.html
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