SD Sendangsari
Implementing Model-Based Local Wisdom Learning and Child Rights
A. Are Model-Based Learning and Local Wisdom Rights of the Child was?
According to the Working Group on Basic Education Development (P2D working group) in Bantul District, Local Wisdom-Based Education and the Rights of the Child is learning to develop teaching-learning atmosphere that impressive, creative, and fun way include games, art, or other creativity appointed of the local culture so that the basic rights of children to play or to actualize the potential itself can be channeled.
B. Why should Local Wisdom-Based Education and Child Rights?
1. learning becomes boring because interspersed with games or songs from the local culture
2nd. help develop students' creativity
3. do not take children's rights to be free to actualize the potential of her
4. students to preserve the cultural wealth of nations
5. students proud of their own culture
C. How Local Wisdom-Based Education and Child Rights conducted?
1. in learning as a learning model
2nd. self-development program students
3. in extra-curricular activities
D. How Learning in Elementary Sendangsari implemented?
Using SD CURRICULUM Sendangsari (KTSP)
Comprising 8 subjects,
3 local content subjects, and student self-development programs.
Mata Pelajaran:
1. Religious Education
2nd. Citizenship Education
3. Indonesian
4. Mathematics
5. Natural Sciences
6. Social Sciences
7. Art Culture and Skills
8. Physical Education, Sport and Health
Mulok mandatory: Language Java.
Mulok choices I: PKK
Mulok choice II: English
Self Development:
Art read Al Quran
Introduction to computers
Development of superior:
If the local food skills as an integral part of Local Wisdom-Based Education and the Rights of the Child.
E. Implementation signs Local Wisdom-Based Education and the Rights of the Child in the Elementary Sendangsari
Class I:
Introduction to art, culture, and integrated local potential in learning.
Class II:
Introduction to art, culture, and local potentials through subjects. Example: cassava coloring.
Class III:
Light practice of art, culture, and local potentials through subjects. Example: drawing corm
Class IV:
Light practice of art, culture, and local potentials through subjects. Example: utilizing the skills junk / garbage plastic flower wall hangings made room.
Class V:
The practice of art, culture, and local potentials through subjects and
themselves. Example: processing practices purse tubers into flour and made Bolu purse.
Class VI:
Voluntarily as a class to guide younger refressing activity between
concentration of exams.
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