How rich Indonesia. What can not be planted in Indonesia. We should all be grateful for all the gifts God Almighty to the people of Indonesia are providing various kinds of food, LAUS broad, abundant sea result, vast land, fertile soil, so what is the plant can grow and produce food.
Indonesia has a tremendous advantage when compared with other nations in the world. Whatever we plant can grow even Dutch people in Indonesia say the finger at the plant can grow. That means that the region is Indonesia really was very fertile and rich in a variety of local food.
Local food is really a form of wealth of our culinary culture. Diversity that is formed on the basis of availability of raw materials and local needs, making it a high level of compatibility with community needs for energy for the body. Like the tubers.
Today, the tubers of which we still know only sweet potatoes and cassava alone. For us, the names such as Dioscorea esculenta tuber, Canna discolor, uwi, suweg, prasina, Bentoel and other foreign sound ditelinga. Especially for the kids, now they do not know much snacks like gatot market, tiwul, blendong / blendus / gronthol, jemblem, combro, cenil, klepon, gempo increasingly drowned by the number of food packaging in the food stalls around.
During these tubers food is less demand because people assess the current food tubers obsolete. As a result of food is rarely presented as an everyday meal or a snack. Society still considers that Western food is fast food (fast food) is better, healthy and hygienic. In fact, the food is almost entirely on raw material of flour imported raw materials, such as pizza or noodles.

Who said tubers were food village, outdated and not nutritious. Based on the research, these tubers have a high nutrient content. Suweg have a good calcium for growing children, can strengthen bones and teeth both for children and adults. So also with the purse, but contains calcium, also contains calories that are used by the body for activity.
While uwi has a high content of phosphorus with the use by the body for metabolic processes. Not to miss the prasina, these bulbs contain vitamin C is high enough, good to boost immunity and avoid the flu season as volatile now. For tuber Canna discolor, data MOH Directorate of Nutrition stated that nutrient content per 100 grams of Canna discolor full of calories, 95.00 cal; 1.00 g protein; 0.11 g fat; 22.60 g carbohydrate; 21.00 g calcium ; 70.00 g of phosphorus; 1.90 mg iron; 0.10 mg vitamin B1; 10.00 mg of vitamin C; water 75.00 g.
For that, need to be introduced to children early on about the benefits of consuming foods tubers. This can be done starting from the family by serving local foods, school canteens and even supermarkets. So that local food will be the host in their own country and internationally acceptable. In addition to utilizing a variety of local foods, will be good for the stability of food of a region. The kind that increasingly allows people to have food alternatives other than rice and wheat.
(Source image: http://putri-cookies.blogspot.com/2009/05/jajan-pasar.html, http://mozaikdunia.blogspot.com/)
source article :http://bisnisukm.com/lestarikan-kembali-pangan-lokal-indonesia.html
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